How to Wear Less Black & Incorporate Color

I love a chic, all black look as much as the next person. However, black is often not worn as a stylistic choice, but a default option or a way to hide. I know this from personal experience, as well as retail experience. Black is always the safe choice. But safe fashion choices aren’t usually the ones that serve us the best (AKA getting out of your comfort zone is incredibly beneficial). Color can be intimidating, so I’m going to explain how to wear less black & incorporate color.

Add Color Little by Little

Adding color to your wardrobe can be as simple as wearing a shoe that’s not black, a colored top, or a tan handbag. You don’t have to be decked out in neon from head to toe. The more you incorporate color, the more you can start to wear multiple colors and play around with them. And the more color you wear, the more black will become a color choice, and not a default option.

Figure Out Which Colors Look Good on You

Wearing colors next to your face that make your face light up is important. If you’re finding that you don’t like wearing color, maybe it’s because you’re wearing the wrong ones! Finding out your season is a really helpful step in figuring out which colors make you look amazing. Nathalia Vaz has an amazing Instagram account dedicated to seasons and color contrasts. She demonstrates on celebrities and even her followers from time to time. Her handle is @nathaliaevaz.

Grow Your Confidence

Gaining more confidence might seem like a lame fashion tip, but it’s the most important one. If you don’t have confidence, you’ll have a hard time taking fashion risks, branching out to find your personal style, and you’ll keep hiding behind black outfits and oversized clothes. When you become more comfortable with yourself and taking up space, fashion becomes fun and about self expression.

Try doing some self care, asking a friend for some encouragement, and even reading some self help books! I started reading self help books this year and they’re life changing. Having confidence in who you are and knowing yourself more will actually affect every area of your life - even your style.

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