5 Questions to Ask When Cleaning Your Closet

I’ve been on a cleaning and organizing kick since being in my second trimester. We’ve made a lot of progress in attempts to make our small apartment feel and looks more spacious. It takes a lot of creativity - and let’s be honest, sacrifice - to make room for another person. In the midst of that, I’ve cleaned out a bit of my closet. It can be hard to know what to get rid of, why, etc. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself when cleaning your closet.

When was the last time I wore this?

We all have some pieces in our closet that are for special occasions, have sentimental value, or are unique. And that’s totally fine! I have some pieces that I splurged on, so I like to space out my wears so it lasts longer. I also have some really unique pieces that are more challenging to incorporate into an everyday look.

Unless you’re keeping a piece for the reasons listed above, if you haven’t worn something in over a year, it’s time to get rid of it! You obviously don’t love it enough to wear it, so donate it to a charitable store, or let a friend have it.

Is this damaged or stained?

Sometimes we can’t let go of a piece because we love it so much, but it’s stained, ripped, or falling apart. I hate to be the one to tell you, but it needs to go in the trash. You’re not going to wear a stained shirt around, so free up some space in your closet.

Another positive to get rid of damaged items is that you’ll be able to take inventory of the items you need. I have a black tshirt that I know I need to get rid of because the armpit area is stained white from my deodorant. I want to keep it in there in case I need a basic black shirt, but when the time comes, I won’t wear it because it’s stained. If I don’t get rid of it, I’m not going to purchase a new one. Therefore, even though I own a black t-shirt, it’s as if I don’t.

“…There are some things in my closet that I bought when I was still figuring out what I liked… I got rid of them because I felt like I was trying to look like someone else when I wore them.”

Do I even like it anymore?

I own some items that are in perfect condition, and fit into my personal style - but I hate it! Sometimes I’ll still wear them because I have it and I feel kind guilty for neglecting it. But if you don’t like the items you have, give them to someone who will!

I feel less confident and comfortable when I’m wearing something I know I don’t like or feel like I don’t look good in. It itches at the back of my mind all day. Unless you’re low on clothes and don’t have a budget for shopping, give those away - guilt free.

Does this fit?

I have some really cute and stylish pieces in my closet that I am in LOVE with. Unfortunately, some of them don’t fit anymore (and I don’t think they ever will again). Sometimes it’s fine to keep items that are a little too snug, especially if your weight fluctuates (hello, me).

However, if an item hangs weird on you or is wayyy too tight, it’s time to let it go. It’s never a good idea to keep clothes as “motivation” for weight loss. It ends up taking up room in your closet, and becomes a negative reminder. If you’re going through a life transition (just gave birth or serious weight loss journey), then take those pieces and store them in a box out of sight, and revisit it later.

Is this congruent with my personal style?

As I get older, I develop my personal style more and more. I don’t stick myself into a strict style category, but now I know what I like and what I’ll wear. However, there are some things in my closet that I bought when I was still figuring out what I liked. I had a lot of puffer vests that were once popular, but I got rid of them because it was too preppy and I felt like I was trying to look like someone else when I wore them.

So if some of your pieces are not your style anymore, don’t hang on to them. It’s time to give them a new home - again, guilt free!

I hope these tips have helped! What are some of the questions you ask yourself when cleaning out your closet?

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