Fashion Myth: You’re Not Stylish If You’re Not Wearing the Latest Trends

Welcome to Fashion Myths, a series where I debunk common things we believe or have been told about fashion. I’m covering trends today. Now I love a good trend, and trying them out can be super fun. However, sometimes trends turn out to be fads, which only last a season or two. A true trend lasts for years - think of how long skinny jeans were around. I’m all for updating your wardrobe with current styles, but sometimes it’s just too much. Keep reading about the fashion myth that you’re not stylish if you’re not wearing the latest trends.

Trends come and go 

Let’s be real - none of us living in the 99% have the time or the means to keep up with every single trend. It’s not sustainable for the environment, or for our wallets! You have to pick and choose which trends you want to go for. If you’re trying out all the trends, chances are that you’re not sure what your personal style is.

Speaking of the longevity of trends, there is one that seems to be transcendent of time - leather. Check out my blog post on the different ways to wear faux leather.

Personal style goes beyond trends 

Sure, you can buy trendy items, but you cannot buy style. There is a huge difference. I’ve seen people - even celebrities - decked out in designer items. That does not equate with style, just that they have money. When people do this, I tend not to like their outfit because there’s nothing personal or truly stylistic about it. 

Personal style transcends trends. Of course, you can wear trendy pieces in a way that highlights your personal style, but you can also wear pieces that aren’t trendy and still look great because of how you styled them. 

Style cannot be confined to one look 

Just like societal beauty standards, right? Society gives us one cookie cutter standard of beauty. However, there are multiple different types of beauty that don’t fit the mold. The same goes for style. There is no true standard of style. Style is personal and should reflect who you are. If it does, then boom - you’re stylish. 

Confidence is the Test of True Style

If you feel like yourself and feel confident in what you’re wearing, then you’ve accomplished being stylish. And hey, that could mean participating in trends! But you don’t have to keep up with every single one.

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